Friday, September 13, 2013

Project 1 :: Sins Photomontage

Due Monday, September 16

“You don’t take a photograph, you make it.”
–Ansel Adams 

Create a conceptually rich photo montage, using non-destructive photo editing techniques, that visually defines one of the seven deadly sins. The use your own photography is highly encouraged, however in unique circumstances stock photos may be used. 

Seven Deadly Sins
Lust: Crystal, Katy
Gluttony: Don, Samantha
Greed: Kaelyn, Meagan
Sloth: Sareth, Sydney
Wrath: Amy, Rebekah
Envy: Jeff, Reagan, Carlos

Pride: Brianna, Brandy

1. Resolution: 300ppi
2. Size 10 inches (w) x 8 inches (h)
3. Created from at least 5 photos
4. Created using non-destructive photo editing techniques (layers)

1. PSD file named accordingly: FirstInitial-LastName.psd 

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