Note: Changing preferences with a document open only applies the preferences to that document. This allows you, if needed, to change your preferences for different documents. The following steps will show you how to set up your base preferences that will be standard for any new document you open.
Launch InDesign
When you first open InDesign you will either see a similar screen as below, or you will have a "Introduction" dialog box appear. Either is correct.
You will notice in the upper right hand corner (just below the date and time in this photo) that my workspace is set to "Typography". This setup is the one I find the most useful as it presents all the tools that I need. I do make one addition to this workspace, by adding the "Align" and "Pathfinder" tools as I use these regularly.
You will notice in the upper right hand corner (just below the date and time in this photo) that my workspace is set to "Typography". This setup is the one I find the most useful as it presents all the tools that I need. I do make one addition to this workspace, by adding the "Align" and "Pathfinder" tools as I use these regularly.
As you work in InDesign more you will determine what tool layout works best for you, but having your "Tools" and "Panels" set as seen below is a good place to start.
Saving your workspace
Since we use computers in shared labs and different people use different workspaces I suggest that you save your workspace once you have it set up to your liking. This will ensure that your workspace is available every time you sit down at your computer in the lab.
To save your workspace click on "Window" in the top most menu and select "Workspace" > "New Workspace…"
A new window will open. Name your workspace with your Last Name and Click "OK".
You will now notice that "Typography" (upper right hand corner under the time) has been replaced with your last name indicating that the workspace is active.
Setting Your Software Preferences
To set the software preferences go to "InDesign" in the top menu. Next navigate to "Preferences" > "General".
This action will open your "Preferences" Window seen below.
Within this window we see a list of items which we can navigate through on the left. As we choose the different items the information on the right will change.
The first item we want to select is "Type". With this selected make sure that your information matches that of the photo below.
Now lets move down to "Units & Increments". With this item selected we want to make sure that our Vertical and Horizontal Ruler Units are set to Inches. If they are set to something else, use the pull down menu to select the correct units of measure.
Note: If you are more comfortable using the metric system of measurement, please feel free to set your preferences to centimeters.
Next select "Spelling". Like other programs, InDesign offers an option to turn on "Dynamic Spelling". You may wish to turn this option on within this dialog box.
Note: Dynamic Spelling should not replace spell checking or having another individual proofread your document. There are instances where we type "form" and mean "from", spelling mistakes such as these can only be identified by reading through your document.
Lastly select "Display Performance". We are going to change the "Greek Type Below" preference. Set this measurement to "3 pt".
Click "OK".
To continue to set up your document for the project please read the next post entitled "Creating a New Document".