Saturday, September 21, 2013

Project 2 :: Quote Poster

Quote Poster

Due Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Find a quote that you find inspiring and lay it out in a visually interesting and expressive way. This has got to be one of those aspects of design that everyone can ‘get’ or appreciate, especially if your design is effectively related to the meaning of the quote. Quotes can come from anywhere from songs to speeches, or you may come up with you own.

Adobe Illustrator
Create a 11 x 17 inch poster in illustrator using you Character setting for Typography—kerning, leading, etc. Think about whether you will use Serif or Sans Serif fonts. Keep that in mind. Be creative!
+ this poster explores a quote and its application to a poster using nothing but typography to convey its message.+ create a typographic poster around a famous quote, or one of your own
Design Requirements
+ Exhibits NO surface errors: spelling, grammar, etc.+ only typographic elements can be used to make the layout of the poster.+ You can use a part of a quotation if you want. + The quotation must be readable, and any illustrated artwork connected to it must strengthen the author’s argument
Specifications & Dimensions 
+ 11 inches x 17 inches (width x height)
+ 3 Pantone colors
+ Only three typefaces used.
+ Printed on the color laser printer in the lab.
Lost Type 
When downloading and prompted to donate you may choose $0 and continue to download the font. If you ever use the typeface in a project that is paid, you should donate a portion to the type designers who create these typefaces.
+ Color laser print of your poster; you can print for free on the lab laser printer.