Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Project 3 :: Part 1

The Handcrafted Poster
Due October 21

There was a fascinating handmade poster scene in Chicago in the '90s, and I became friends with many of the artists; the posters were often more impressive than the bands.
-Andrew Bird 

To design a poster, by hand, for a play by Shakespeare; the play and venue is of your choosing. 

No technology, no computer, no photographs.
All type, image, shape—everything—must be handcrafted.

+ 16 x 20 inches
+ Must be for a Shakespeare Play (link)
+ Advertised Venue is up to you

Victoria Porter: Paint and ink

Emily Simpson: Acrylic on canvas

Eric Chaderton: Cut paper and pen

Sara Luciano: Cut paper and glue

Maria Caramanno: Pen and ink

Jennifer Nastasi: Paint


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