Saturday, October 26, 2013

Extra Credit

Extra Credit Opportunity

Visit the Art Museum of South Texas and view the TAMUCC Department of Art Faculty Show, Corpus Pluralis. 

To get credit for your visit, take a “selfie” with one of your favorite pieces of the show and send it to me at before December 9th.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Illustrator Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are necessary to improve overall efficiency. 

It will take time to learn even the basics, but the quicker you can learn these shortcuts the faster you will be able to move through your work.  

Below is a list of all the shortcuts available to you in Illustrator CS6 (click to enlarge).
Here’s the link to where you can download your own PDF.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Project 3 :: Part 1

The Handcrafted Poster
Due October 21

There was a fascinating handmade poster scene in Chicago in the '90s, and I became friends with many of the artists; the posters were often more impressive than the bands.
-Andrew Bird 

To design a poster, by hand, for a play by Shakespeare; the play and venue is of your choosing. 

No technology, no computer, no photographs.
All type, image, shape—everything—must be handcrafted.

+ 16 x 20 inches
+ Must be for a Shakespeare Play (link)
+ Advertised Venue is up to you

Victoria Porter: Paint and ink

Emily Simpson: Acrylic on canvas

Eric Chaderton: Cut paper and pen

Sara Luciano: Cut paper and glue

Maria Caramanno: Pen and ink

Jennifer Nastasi: Paint
